Take Action

A Georgia Justice Policy Think Tank

Step 1: Educate Yourself

Educating yourself on the issues is important, so we’re glad you’re here. Take a look at our platform and other information to learn more about the criminal justice system in Georgia and how we can help make it better.

Visit the ReformGeorgia Platform

Step 2: Register to Vote

Step 2 is simple. Register to vote. If you’re already registered, that’s great! We hope you are participating in every election, even primaries and run-offs.

If you’re not registered yet, or maybe you don’t always show up, that’s alright. We can help you with that.

Voter Registration Guide

Step 3: Get Involved in Your Community

We want to encourage you to advocate and work for local criminal justice reform in your community. While some issues need to be dealt with at the state level due to the state’s constitution, there are a number of issues that need to be addressed at the community level, whether you live in a city or county.

Help Me Reform My Community

Got Questions?

Visit us on Facebook or you can contact us.